Friday, March 13, 2015

It's Time For Some Good News

Wow, have things changed since January.  I was not in a good physical state when I wrote my last entry.  I was miserable.  I was also worried that adding in a 3rd antibiotic (Rifampin) was going to throw me into a worse state if I herxed from it.  Amazingly, it didn't.  It did the opposite.  Days after I started taking it, symptoms started decreasing- some of them almost disappearing entirely.  This disappearing act happened when I started Zithromax and Ceftin back in October as well...  It was like the calm before the storm.  I felt so much better for a few days and then things got progressively worse over the next 3 months.  So although I was feeling really well after starting the Rifampin at the beginning of February, I tried to brace myself for what might be coming...  And then a week went by, and then two, and then three...  And I was realizing that it was an upward trend that was likely going to continue!

February was overall the best month I have had in about a year.  I haven't had that much energy, clarity, or freedom from pain in a long time.  It was amazing.  I went from driving 3 minutes to the grocery store and having to sit in the car for 20 to muster up energy before I went inside, then having to sit in the car for 20 before I drove home, to working out again (for the first time since June).

Currently, I'm not doing as well as I was in February, but it's so significantly better than January that it still feels great.  On a day that I was refilling my pill organizer (yes, I'm 80 years old), I messed up and missed a dose of antibiotics.  I realized the next day, when I woke with the same horrible head, neck, and jaw pain that I know so well, and then rechecked my organizer.  Holy moly, does missing one dose catch up with me.  Symptoms start creeping back in at their leisure (twitches, muscle spasms and Charlie horses that take over the whole right side of my body, tremors, internal tremors and vibrations, stabbing pain from back through chest, nerve pain- anywhere and everywhere, shortness of breath, chest pain, zone-outs, fatigue).  So I've been playing catch up for the last few weeks, and it's my own damn fault.  On the bright side, missing that dose was a small, unintentional test that tells us there's still a significant amount of bacteria that we need to get under control.  So we keep moving forward.  Three antibiotics, monthly check ups and monthly blood draws.

It's crazy to me that we've been treating for 7 months now.  But I feel encouraged that I'm starting to see improvements for the first time!  Prayers that improvements continue are highly welcomed!

Oh, and DO THE LYME DISEASE CHALLENGE!  It's not challenging!  For the love of Pete, the lime is supposed to be the fun part, but if going to the store is holding you back, share mine and post one new fact!

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